Thursday, June 26, 2014

Acid Reflux and Teeth

The enamel of your teeth is the thin, tough outer layer of your teeth. Enamel protects your teeth from daily activities like chewing, biting and grinding. The enamel of your teeth also protect against harmful temperatures and chemicals. Although enamel is a hard protector of your teeth, it can chip and crack. There are many factors that affect the health of your enamel, but one of the quickest ways to erode enamel comes from acid reflux disease.
If you suffer from consistent acid reflux, the health of your teeth probably isn’t one of the first things you’re thinking about. You’re probably reaching for an antacid or a glass of milk and moving on with your day. However, new research reveals how gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, can severely damage your teeth thanks to an increase of acid in the mouth. The study concluded that acid reflux can ultimately lead to thin, sharp and pitted teeth.
GERD, better known as acid reflux disease, causes chronic heartburn. The stomach contents, including acid, leak into the esophagus and often work their way back up into the mouth, causing burning pain. The damage from acid reflux looks a lot like tooth wear because the acid dissolved the tooth surface directly, softening the surface. Once the surface is softened, it becomes worn down layer by layer. Once the enamel is eroded, it cannot come back. In that case, patients would need a crown, veneer or filling to replace their tooth.
We recommend the following to our patients who suffer from acid reflux disease:
  • Do not brush immediately after an acid reflux episode, use a fluoride rinse instead
  • Use specialized toothpaste recommended by our staff
  • Utilize antacids or baking soda after an episode to protect your teeth
If your teeth have been damaged by your condition, feel free to schedule a consultation with Dr. Shital Kazi to discuss your treatment options. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Perio Protect

Did you know that we utilize Perio Protect technology at Lewell Dental Care? The goal of this technology is to manage the oral biofilm for lasting oral health. The method is a combination of non-invasive chemical debriding therapy and traditional mechanical debriding procedures. We use Perio Protect to help manage biofilms, or communities of bacteria, growing in the spaces or pockets between teeth and gum tissue.
The chemical therapy involves a tray delivery of solution to chemically debride the biofilm from the periodontal pocket. This process will also alter the pocket’s microbiological environment in order to disrupt biofilm growth. Standard cleaning procedures used throughout the dental field help remove plaque and tartar but bacteria reproduce quickly and biofilms will regenerate very easily unless its environment is changed.
With the Perio Protect method, we are able to prescribe solutions and introduce them to the pockets the biofilm has developed. In most cases, we will prescribe oxidizing and oxygenating agents to remove the slimy protective coating of a biofilm and its underlying layers. We will provide you with custom-made trays to deliver the solution to the affected areas. The trays are very comfortable and are worn for just a couple minutes a day.
If you are suffering from biofilm growth in the pockets between teeth and gum tissue, set up an appointment with Dr. Shital Kazi to learn more about this innovative treatment option. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Night Guards for Bruxism

Think you might be a night grinder but aren’t sure? If you wake up with a dull, constant headache or a sore jaw then you might be suffering from bruxism (night grinding). If you suspect that you might be grinding your teeth and you live in the San Lorenzo, CA area, schedule an appointment with us at Lewelling Dental Care for information on treatment options.
You might grind your teeth because of stress and anxiety, but it more likely due to an abnormal bite or missing/crooked teeth. Patients often find out that they are a grinder from a loved one or through a consultation with their dentist. Dr. Shital Kazi is trained in the detection of bruxism and can diagnose it through a simple examination. Patients exhibiting symptoms such as jaw tenderness and teeth abnormalities are most likely grinding their teeth at night.
Teeth grinding can become a serious issue. Chronic teeth grinding can lead to fractured, loosening or loss of teeth. Taking the time to visit us at Lewelling Dental Care is a great preventative measure when it comes to preventing night grinding. Chronic teeth grinders can wear their teeth down so bad that bridges, crowns or even dentures may be necessary. While these procedures are effective, they are also very expensive and can be very invasive.
We have a great reputation when it comes to creating custom mouth guards for prevention of night grinding. Our team is able to custom-fit a mouth guard to your individual needs so as to prevent any discomfort during sleep. Dr. Kazi will take an impression of your teeth and the mouth guard is molded over the model using special material. Custom-fitted mouth guards are utilized because they provide the most comfort and best overall protection. The night guard creates a barrier between your top and bottom teeth, preventing your teeth from grinding. Call us today to schedule  your appointment!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Orthodontic Options

Thanks to advances in orthodontic technology, you no longer have to feel embarrassed or self-conscious because you’re wearing braces. While traditional bracket braces are the most commonly used throughout the industry, there are other treatment options available. Our dentist, Dr. Shital Kazi offers you the opportunity to wear clear braces, Invisalign or even traditional braces to align teeth quickly and effectively.
Invisalign is considered the most technologically advanced orthodontic option for aligning teeth and is very comparable to Clear Braces. This technology uses a series of invisible, removable and comfortable aligners that gradually straighten teeth. Invisalign is worn a minimum of 22 hours per days, patients will take them out to eat, brush and floss. Not only does Invisalign allow patients to have a great look while straightening their teeth, it also allows for a great smile after. Because the aligners are removable, patients are able to brush and floss just as they would if they had no braces at all.
Clear Braces are made from ceramic and provide a certain degree of transparency in order to mimic the color of your natural teeth, this makes them less visible. They are as effective as traditional braces and function the same way. Clear Braces are also designed so that they will not stain or discolor the teeth over the period of their use.
Dr. Kazi also offers traditional braces for patients looking to correct bite problems while straightening their teeth. These braces are made of strong metal alloys and are considered the smallest and most comfortable option. While they do take the longest of all the orthodontic options made available by Dr. Kazi, they are the most effective when it comes to aligning teeth and correcting bite problems.
Give us a call today if you want to straighten your teeth and have the smile you’ve always wanted!