Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Headache Relief through TMJ Care

Anyone that suffers from headaches knows that they are the last thing you want to wake up to in the morning.  A pounding headache as soon as you open your eyes is not only painful, but it makes it difficult to function and start your day.  If your morning migraines are largely focused behind your eyes, near your temples, around your jaw and ears or in the back of your head, your headaches could be a sign of a dental problem.  Although very common, it’s something few headache sufferers think about.
Turns out many patients that complain of chronic migraines are actually suffering from TMJ disorder.  TMJ has to do with your jaw function and is often a result of night grinding.  If you think that TMJ could be the cause of your migraine, you should be on the lookout for some of the other common symptoms.  Many of my patients that are suffering from TMJ also have pain when opening and closing their mouth, trouble chewing, find that their jaw can be stuck open or shut, have clicking or popping sounds when opening their mouth, and they grind their teeth while sleeping or during moments of stress.
 TMJ can cause severe pain in patients that are suffering from the disorder.  Call 510-276-6040 to schedule an appointment to find out if TMJ is the reason behind your chronic headaches.  Don’t waste time suffering from your migraines.  Let me help you with your night grinding habit and stop your headaches from interrupting your day.
Yours in good smile health,
Dr. Shital Kazi, DDS, FAGGD

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


If you need a tooth replacement or restoration after an accident, infection or extraction, a bridge can be just what you need to renew your smile.  Dental bridges can be used to fill smile gaps by using surrounding healthy teeth as support and creating a complete, cohesive and natural look.  This restorative allows you to enjoy a full diet, easy hygiene and maintenance, and protection against issues that can result from missing teeth.
Bridges are custom crafted from many different materials, including dental porcelain which can be matched to the precise shade of your surroundings.  This ensures that your bridge will virtually indistinguishable from the rest of your smile, even in highly visible portions of the mouth.
If you are in need of a full tooth restoration, contact us here at Lewelling Dental Care to determine if dental bridges are right for you.