Tuesday, February 24, 2015


While taking care of your teeth is an essential part of your oral hygiene routine, your gums are also an important aspect of your health and require periodontal cleaning and treatment to stay at peak health. With Dr. Shital Kazi of Lewelling Dental Care, our patients in San Lorenzo, CA can be sure their gums are well cared for.
Periodontal disease is responsible for 75 percent of all adult tooth loss cases in the United States. This means it is critical to check for and treat periodontal issues when they first arise. Periodontal disease is an infection of the gums that starts as plaque and hardens into tartar. As the tartar accumulates, bacteria collects and attacks the soft tissue in the surrounding gums. This early stage is called gingivitis, and if it is left untreated, gingivitis will become periodontitis. Periodontitis can destroy tissue around the teeth and even lead to loss of bone mass in the jaw bone. Tooth loss can result, and heart disease, stroke and diabetes have also been linked to poor periodontal health.
It is important to prevent periodontal disease or catch it in its early stages, and Dr. Kazi is extremely knowledgeable and experienced with periodontal therapy. She will work hard to ensure that you maintain optimal oral health. If you notice that your gums are red, swollen or tender or they bleed during normal brushing and flossing, schedule an appointment with our practice by calling (510) 276-6040. For more information, visit www.lewellingdental.com.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Pregnancy and Oral Health

Pregnancy and oral health are two things that go hand in hand when you are expecting a baby. We encourage all of our patients to take good care of their dental hygiene and oral health when they become pregnant.
Most women know how vital it is that they take good care of their physical health, but often don’t consider the impact oral health has on their overall health. A surge in hormones can exasperate the way a pregnant woman’s gums react to plaque. As a result, there is an increased risk of tooth decay, loose teeth, and gum disease if proper oral hygiene isn’t maintained.
The following steps are important to follow while you are pregnant.
1. Brush your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes each session.
2. Floss your teeth regularly, preferably once a day.
3. Visit dentist Shital Kazi for a check-up and cleaning.
4. Inform Dr. Kazi that you are pregnant and avoid getting x-rays.
5. Avoid eating sugary snacks as it increases the risk of tooth decay.
By following these steps, pregnant women have a better chance at maintaining their good oral health during pregnancy. Contact our dentist, Dr. Shital Kazi in San Lorenzo, CA to discuss pregnancy and oral health in more detail.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Cosmetic Bonding

Did you know that a chip, crack or shorted tooth can not only affect the look of your smile, but also your oral health?  While such issues can be considered minor, they are indeed worth fixing. Here at Lewelling Dental Care, we offer cosmetic bonding to quickly and reliably repair small structural issues that affect a tooth.  With cosmetic bonding, we can fill gaps, correct chips and even lengthen the surface of a tooth.  Not only will this service improve the appearance of your smile, it will help to prevent issues such as bacteria proliferation, further breakage and misalignment issues.
To learn more about cosmetic bonding and to determine if this service can help you, please visit our website, www.lewellingdental.com. You can also call (510) 276-6040 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Shital Kazi at Lewelling Dental Care in San Lorenzo, CA. 

Friday, February 6, 2015


If the structure of your tooth has been compromised due to a severe decay, a chip or fracture, it harms the esthetics of your smile and puts your mouth at risk for bacterial infection, further decay and even bit misalignment.  Here at Lewelling Dental Care, we help our patients avoid such complications and restore the beauty and function of their smiles with reliable dental crowns. 
Crowns work to protect the structure of your tooth like a small suit of armor, while appearing as natural as normal, healthy tooth enamel.  The crowns we provide are custom crafted and securely bonded to your tooth’s structure, ensuring long lasting and reliable functionality. When you restore your smile with a crown, you will not need to make any long term dietary modifications or perform any additional oral health maintenance beyond daily hygiene measures, regular dental exams and cleanings, and crown replacement approximately every fifteen years.
We have a full explanation of the crown placement process and other details right on our website, but we are happy to answer all of your questions directly - simply schedule a full consultation with Dr. Shital Kazi by calling (510) 276-6040.