While taking care of your teeth is an essential part of your oral hygiene routine, your gums are also an important aspect of your health and require periodontal cleaning and treatment to stay at peak health. With Dr. Shital Kazi of Lewelling Dental Care, our patients in San Lorenzo, CA can be sure their gums are well cared for.
Periodontal disease is responsible for 75 percent of all adult tooth loss cases in the United States. This means it is critical to check for and treat periodontal issues when they first arise. Periodontal disease is an infection of the gums that starts as plaque and hardens into tartar. As the tartar accumulates, bacteria collects and attacks the soft tissue in the surrounding gums. This early stage is called gingivitis, and if it is left untreated, gingivitis will become periodontitis. Periodontitis can destroy tissue around the teeth and even lead to loss of bone mass in the jaw bone. Tooth loss can result, and heart disease, stroke and diabetes have also been linked to poor periodontal health.
It is important to prevent periodontal disease or catch it in its early stages, and Dr. Kazi is extremely knowledgeable and experienced with periodontal therapy. She will work hard to ensure that you maintain optimal oral health. If you notice that your gums are red, swollen or tender or they bleed during normal brushing and flossing, schedule an appointment with our practice by calling (510) 276-6040. For more information, visit www.lewellingdental.com.