Throughout the year we undergo various health tests and screenings to make sure that we are staying on top of our health. These tests are preventative measures that leave patients with peace of mind or a serious advantage in finding an effective treatment. While we know that we have to monitor our blood pressure, stress, weight, hearing, sight and other health concerns, many forget to visit the dentist for oral cancer screenings. Dr. Shital Kazi offers oral screenings at Lewelling Dental Care in San Lorenzo, CA. She encourages all older adults to visit her office for a complete regular oral cancer screening to improve their health.
Oral cancer is commonly identified by a tumor or growth that arises within the oral cavity. These malignancies can occur anywhere on the mouth, tongue, lips, cheeks, soft palate, hard palate, pharynx and sinuses. In the earliest stages of oral cancer, you may experience bumps, swelling or rough spots on the lips, and difficulty when moving your jaw or tongue. However, early detection at Lewelling Dental Care means that you can treat oral cancer before these symptoms fully develop or become problematic.
Dr. Kazi stresses the importance of undergoing an oral cancer screening at her practice. Every year roughly 35,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer. When patients keep track of their health through oral cancer screenings, they lessen their risk of developing advanced stages of oral cancer. By treating the symptoms and addressing the problem early on, treatments can be administered promptly and the likelihood of recovery greatly increases.
For more information on oral cancer screenings, visit or call (510) 276-6040 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Shital Kazi at Lewelling Dental Care in San Lorenzo, CA.
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